4 Ideas For Your 2023 New Years Resolutions
January 4, 2023 by Grace Andruszkiewicz
‘Tis the season to set resolutions for 2023! Whether you want to stick to a rigid plan or simply be more mindful about habits or tendencies, we all have self-improvement on our minds this week. We’ve compiled a few ideas for you to consider adding into your list below.
1. Adapt Brain Healthy Habits
One of the biggest fears Americans have is the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease. About 1 in 9 age 65 and older (10.7%) has Alzheimer's and as of today, there is no cure. BUT what many people may not realize is that there are many ways to help PREVENT (or at least delay) the onset of Alzheimer’s.
Do yourself a favor and adopt some brain healthy habits this year. The Mayo Clinic offers wonderful guidance on brain health, including a Mediterranean diet, regular exercise, lots of sleep, and staying both socially and mentally active.
2. Take care of social health the same way you take care of your physical and mental health
You may already have a plan to keep yourself healthy - nutrition, exercise, mindfulness, etc. But your social health is just as important as your physical and mental health! Take this opportunity to reflect on activities you love and consider joining a club or volunteering. This is a great way to meet new people and maintain a sense of purpose and fulfillment in the new year.
If you’re not in a place to make a commitment to a group, you could always set a goal for yourself to call an old friend once a week (or month!) to catch up. Is there someone in your life who you haven’t caught up with in a while? What are you waiting for? Give them a ring!
3. Have the hard conversations
Have you been procrastinating or putting off any difficult conversations or decisions? New Years is the perfect time to push yourself to check that item off of your to do list. Whether you need to discuss appointing a power of attorney, make decisions about finances or medical care, or update your will - there is no time like the present.
Having a plan now is a gift for your loved ones in the future. Though it can be difficult to have discussions about things like money and death now, you won’t regret being on the same page later.
4. Spend more time doing things you love with people you love
Above all else, life is short and time is precious. Take a moment to think about the people and activities that make you happiest. How can you rearrange your schedule or priorities to make more time surrounding yourself with happiness?
What about you?
What other resolutions do you have this year? We’d love to hear about them in the comments!
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